This, a while back, was maybe my first hack using introspection that I perceived as "wow, this is just fun".
So, Tail Recursion is a feature on some functional Languages to allow a function that calls itself as its last statement and just returns the value of this last call to its original caller to have no state recorded on itself. All the states needed are passed down on itself on this recursive call. Thus, the systems resources does not have to keep track of all the states it is past while the function descends calling itself - it just has to return to the original caller.
For example, ina factorial function, the last statement might just be something like "factorial(n - 1, init = n)" where the "init" parameter would be used internally to modify the return value (and default to "1" so thatthe original caller would just all "factorial(n)".
So, that is not the way Pythn works. And, by default, Python never will, as you can see on this BDLF's post: (coincidence or not, that was posted two days before I originally got to my "Soft Tail Recursion Concept", as exposed here).
And, although, Python's "hardware" won't allow it, its introspective nature already allow us to do so, via decorators.
here is the idea: You wrap the too-be-tail-recursive function in an object that, when called, takes note of the thread it's running, the depth of the call, and the parameters used. It then calls the original function. If the function calls itself again, when the call is routed through the wrapper object, it will note the depth has increased. It then saves the latest parameters (which contain all the state that is needed to the completion of the task -however deep it is) - and return control to the outer level object - the one that was running before the first (wrapped) function call.
"Return control"? How can it do that? Not usually seeing as "black magic": it just raises an exception, that is captured on the outter execution frame. Since teh code runniong on that frame is on the same object that raised the exception, it does know the parameters to be used in the function call - just that this time around the function call happens at depth "0".
The example bellow is even thread-safe. The limitation is that the decoratro has no way to know if the decorated function is suitable to be used with this resource - note that any statements or expressions that would be run after the recursive call are simply ignored (and making arithmetic operations with the function return value are just that: an expression that is evaluated after the function call).
Monday, November 8, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Recursive Lambda Functions
This one I had presented at my talk at FISL in 2010: One interestign feature in some functional languages - not all - that is seemingly unavaliable from Python is the ability of anonimous functions to call themselves, using recursion.
You can do that in Python if you assign a name to an anonymous function -- but DUH -- it won't be anomous anymore.
So, it is possible to do:
But not without depending on the name "fact", external to the function. The porblem to call an anonymous function is to get a reference to itself. Well...for the called code, there is a way to get a reference, not to the calling function, but to the calling code object. The code object is an attribute (f_code) to execution frames in Python. And while one can't execute code_objects directly, given a code object, it is possible to build a function around it -- and this function will work the same as the calling function, and can be called.
To create a function, one just have to call the DFunctionType -- I import it from types, but it one could as well just do "FunctionType = type(lambda: None)" - (It is how it is defined inside the file in the stdlib anyway). The documentation on FuntionType should be enough for anyone: it accepts a code_object and a globals dictionay as mandatory parameters.
So, here we are, for the Python recursive Lambda:
(just note that it won't preserve default parameters for the lambda function - I found no way of getting a reference to those)
You can do that in Python if you assign a name to an anonymous function -- but DUH -- it won't be anomous anymore.
So, it is possible to do:
fact = lambda n: n * fact(n - 1) if n > 1 else 1
But not without depending on the name "fact", external to the function. The porblem to call an anonymous function is to get a reference to itself. Well...for the called code, there is a way to get a reference, not to the calling function, but to the calling code object. The code object is an attribute (f_code) to execution frames in Python. And while one can't execute code_objects directly, given a code object, it is possible to build a function around it -- and this function will work the same as the calling function, and can be called.
To create a function, one just have to call the DFunctionType -- I import it from types, but it one could as well just do "FunctionType = type(lambda: None)" - (It is how it is defined inside the file in the stdlib anyway). The documentation on FuntionType should be enough for anyone: it accepts a code_object and a globals dictionay as mandatory parameters.
So, here we are, for the Python recursive Lambda:
from inspect import currentframe
from types import FunctionType
lambda_cache = {}
def myself (*args, **kw):
caller_frame = currentframe(1)
code = caller_frame.f_code
if not code in lambda_cache:
lambda_cache[code] = FunctionType(code, caller_frame.f_globals)
return lambda_cache[code](*args, **kw)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Factorial of 5", (lambda n: n * myself(n - 1) if n > 1 else 1)(5)
(just note that it won't preserve default parameters for the lambda function - I found no way of getting a reference to those)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Python instance methods - How are they different from ordinary functions?
Python OO model works exceptionally well. Its introspection capabilities, and flexibility provided by the descriptors implementation allow for a lot of interesting thing - one of the nicest being what is available through the "property" built-in call.
However, the descriptor model implies in some behaviors that can raise eyebrows, even for experienced users. Like this bit here:
Eeeeek! :-) And now what? Well - it happens that while Object methods are not just functions that receive the object instance as its first parameter - that is, methods are objects from a different class than functions - they are not recorded in the class or in the object instance itself. Rather: both bound and unbound methods for new-style classes in Python are created at attribute retrieval-time: The very "a.b" expression above is, internally, a call to a.__getattribute__("b") - and this call uses the descritor mechanism to wrap the function stored in the class __dict__ attribute in an instance method.
So, methods are objects that contain a reference to the original function, but prepends the "self" variable to the function call when they are called for a bound instance:
(extra bonus: I just learnd about the possibility of concatenating the "is" operator here as well :-) )
This way of doing things works fine, in almost all circunstances. However, the only kinds of objects that are turned into "properties which are method factories" at class creation time are functions. If you want to have other kind of callable objects (like any instance of a class with a "call") into a proper method, you have to create the descriptor for that yourself. It is actually quite simple -you just have to "implement the descriptor protocol" - which is another way to say, you just have to add a __get__ method :-) . Let's suppose I want a method for a class that is itself an object which keeps track of how many times it was called:
And if we try to use that as a decorator for a method,
the method will no longer "work":
However a call like "c.d(c) " would succeed - the c.d object just does not get its instance prepended to the argument list.
If we do, instead:
This "__get__" method, as above, does exactly what the authomatically created "getter" for methods does when we use an ordnary method. This behavior is implemented in the metaclass for Python classes, that is, the "type" method. Whena class object is instantiaded (the moment it is defined) the __new__ method inside type checks which objects in its body dictionary are functions, and replaces them by the descritors with a __get__ method like the one above.
It should be noted that it is an official advise that you can increase performance in certain code patterns by caching an object method in a local variable rather than retrieveing the method each time you want to call it - that is:
is actually faster as:
The exact behavior of methods and descriptors is described in detail here in the official documentation, here, --look at "user methods" objects:
However, the descriptor model implies in some behaviors that can raise eyebrows, even for experienced users. Like this bit here:
>>> class A(object):
... def b(self): pass
>>> A.b is A.b
>>> a = A()
>>> a.b is a.b
Eeeeek! :-) And now what? Well - it happens that while Object methods are not just functions that receive the object instance as its first parameter - that is, methods are objects from a different class than functions - they are not recorded in the class or in the object instance itself. Rather: both bound and unbound methods for new-style classes in Python are created at attribute retrieval-time: The very "a.b" expression above is, internally, a call to a.__getattribute__("b") - and this call uses the descritor mechanism to wrap the function stored in the class __dict__ attribute in an instance method.
So, methods are objects that contain a reference to the original function, but prepends the "self" variable to the function call when they are called for a bound instance:
>>> class A(object):
... def b(self): pass
>>> a = A()
>>> a.b.im_func
<function b at 0x7f6613a6cd70>
>>> a.b.im_func is A.b.im_func is A.__dict__["b"]
(extra bonus: I just learnd about the possibility of concatenating the "is" operator here as well :-) )
This way of doing things works fine, in almost all circunstances. However, the only kinds of objects that are turned into "properties which are method factories" at class creation time are functions. If you want to have other kind of callable objects (like any instance of a class with a "call") into a proper method, you have to create the descriptor for that yourself. It is actually quite simple -you just have to "implement the descriptor protocol" - which is another way to say, you just have to add a __get__ method :-) . Let's suppose I want a method for a class that is itself an object which keeps track of how many times it was called:
class CounterFunction(object):
"""Designed to work as function decorator - will not work for methods """
def __init__(self, function):
self.func = function
self.counter = 0
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
self.counter += 1
return self.func(*args, **kw)
def b(): pass
print b.counter
#-> 2
And if we try to use that as a decorator for a method,
the method will no longer "work":
class C(object):
def d(self): pass
c = C()
#Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# File "<stdin>", line 8, in __call__
#TypeError: d() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
However a call like "c.d(c) " would succeed - the c.d object just does not get its instance prepended to the argument list.
If we do, instead:
from types import MethodType
class CounterFunction(object):
"""Designed to work as function or method decorator """
def __init__(self, function):
self.func = function
self.counter = 0
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
self.counter += 1
return self.func(*args, **kw)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return MethodType(self, instance, owner)
class C(object):
def d(self): pass
c = C()
print c.d.counter
#-> 1
This "__get__" method, as above, does exactly what the authomatically created "getter" for methods does when we use an ordnary method. This behavior is implemented in the metaclass for Python classes, that is, the "type" method. Whena class object is instantiaded (the moment it is defined) the __new__ method inside type checks which objects in its body dictionary are functions, and replaces them by the descritors with a __get__ method like the one above.
It should be noted that it is an official advise that you can increase performance in certain code patterns by caching an object method in a local variable rather than retrieveing the method each time you want to call it - that is:
for i in xrange(5000):
is actually faster as:
b = a.do_something
for i in xrange(5000):
The exact behavior of methods and descriptors is described in detail here in the official documentation, here, --look at "user methods" objects:
What if called functions could access the variables from the caller?
Of course, normally you just pass the variables you are interested the called function to access as parameters.
But it raises an interesting development paradigm if every non-local variable is looked up on the scope of each calling function. Some languages, like Postscript, work this way.
In Python it can be achieved simply by copying the local variables in the code-frame of the caller functions to the global scope of the called one:
This decorator, while solid enough for "production" won't work for variables in functions defined within other functions that use variable names that exist on the outher functions. Those would still be bound to the defining closure, as Free Variables. It can be made to work with those, but it would be another beast.
But it raises an interesting development paradigm if every non-local variable is looked up on the scope of each calling function. Some languages, like Postscript, work this way.
In Python it can be achieved simply by copying the local variables in the code-frame of the caller functions to the global scope of the called one:
This decorator, while solid enough for "production" won't work for variables in functions defined within other functions that use variable names that exist on the outher functions. Those would still be bound to the defining closure, as Free Variables. It can be made to work with those, but it would be another beast.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Twitter and Tkinter: Who does not follow you
We are not so "meta" today, and more hands on.
Given the spam avalanche today, with people trying to get me to use a webapp that checks "who within my firends does not follow me" - I thought: That is quite easy -- just pick one set of people and subtract from the other, and voilá!
To get it out of terminal usage, I added in a little bit Tkinter - it is quite minimalist, still the Tkinter Part could contain some interesting patterns that I had to look around to produce (like, using the scrollbar, or updating what is displayed on teh window in the middle of data processing, with the"update") thing )
As for th twitter, we are not using any libraries exteranl to Python - just the rest API for a service that does not need authentication, and good old "urllib". We just loop through the follower and friends page results, and handpick just the users screen name (we could pick URL, and others for a more sofisticated app).
Given the spam avalanche today, with people trying to get me to use a webapp that checks "who within my firends does not follow me" - I thought: That is quite easy -- just pick one set of people and subtract from the other, and voilá!
To get it out of terminal usage, I added in a little bit Tkinter - it is quite minimalist, still the Tkinter Part could contain some interesting patterns that I had to look around to produce (like, using the scrollbar, or updating what is displayed on teh window in the middle of data processing, with the"update") thing )
As for th twitter, we are not using any libraries exteranl to Python - just the rest API for a service that does not need authentication, and good old "urllib". We just loop through the follower and friends page results, and handpick just the users screen name (we could pick URL, and others for a more sofisticated app).
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Creating a Heap Class in one Python Line
Sometimes the stdlib is just strange --
like, the "heapq" module -- it provides some methods to use a list as a Heap, according to some well known algorithms - but it does not provide itself a "Heap" class - You have to create your Healp as an empty list, and call "heapq.heappush" and "heapq.heappop" (among other methods), always passing your "heap" (list) as the first argument.
Oh.. "the object itself" as its first argument -- I had seen that before - so, we could possibly just create a class and in its body provide "pop = heapq.heappop" , and so on -- since these "heap*" methods signature is always "heapq.heap* (heap[, arg])", if I mark these functions as a "Heap class" Method themselves, they should work as methods. Not!
The only members in a class body that are promoted to "InstanceMethods" are functions - and the hepq methods are "built-in functions". It is a trick on how Python new style classes work. Without being functions, they are not promoted to "methods", and whenever they are called, the object instance will not be pre-pended to parameters list.
So, the most obvious way to do that, is to create wrapper functions that just call the heapq.methods, and use those as methods in a class that inherits from "list".
Since the goal is to do that in one line, this is the perfect ocasion to use the new dictionary generators from Python 2.7 to create the class body.
So we try:
This also does not work!
We have to keep in mind whenever we generate functions inside a for loop in Python, that functions work in a closure - so, the variables used on the "for" itself will always evaluate to the last value the attained in the "for statement" when the generated functions are called. Hence, all the members in the class above will wrap "heapq.heapreplace".
The way to get it working is to add yield the generated functions from another level of wrapper functions, so that the variables used in the loop are frozen in this second-level wrappers.
And now we are in business:
like, the "heapq" module -- it provides some methods to use a list as a Heap, according to some well known algorithms - but it does not provide itself a "Heap" class - You have to create your Healp as an empty list, and call "heapq.heappush" and "heapq.heappop" (among other methods), always passing your "heap" (list) as the first argument.
Oh.. "the object itself" as its first argument -- I had seen that before - so, we could possibly just create a class and in its body provide "pop = heapq.heappop" , and so on -- since these "heap*" methods signature is always "heapq.heap* (heap[, arg])", if I mark these functions as a "Heap class" Method themselves, they should work as methods. Not!
class Heap(list):
pop = heapq.heappop
The only members in a class body that are promoted to "InstanceMethods" are functions - and the hepq methods are "built-in functions". It is a trick on how Python new style classes work. Without being functions, they are not promoted to "methods", and whenever they are called, the object instance will not be pre-pended to parameters list.
So, the most obvious way to do that, is to create wrapper functions that just call the heapq.methods, and use those as methods in a class that inherits from "list".
Since the goal is to do that in one line, this is the perfect ocasion to use the new dictionary generators from Python 2.7 to create the class body.
So we try:
Heap = type("Heap", (list,), {item: (lambda self, *args: getattr(heapq, "heap" + item)(self, *args)) for item in ("pop", "push", "pushpop", "replace") } )
This also does not work!
We have to keep in mind whenever we generate functions inside a for loop in Python, that functions work in a closure - so, the variables used on the "for" itself will always evaluate to the last value the attained in the "for statement" when the generated functions are called. Hence, all the members in the class above will wrap "heapq.heapreplace".
The way to get it working is to add yield the generated functions from another level of wrapper functions, so that the variables used in the loop are frozen in this second-level wrappers.
import heapq
Heap = type("Heap", (list,), {item: (lambda item2: (lambda self, *args: getattr(heapq, "heap" + item2)(self, *args)))(item) for item in ("pop", "push", "pushpop", "replace")})
And now we are in business:
>>> a = Heap()
>>> a.push(10)
>>> a.push(5)
>>> a.push(1)
>>> a.push(20)
>>> a.pop()
>>> a.pop()
>>> a.pushpop(30)
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